The Spiritual Turn: The Religion of the Heart and the Making of Romantic Liberal Modernity | Oxford University Press, 2022.
The Shape of Spirituality: The Public Significance of a New Religious Formation (co-edited with Dick Houtman) | Columbia University Press, 2024.
New Religious Movements and the Spirit of Modernity (with Stef Aupers and Dick Houtman) | Under contract with Cambridge University Press.
“Symbolic Pollution and Religious Change: The Religious Imaginary of Anglo-Canadian Spiritual but not Religious Millennials” | Sociology of Religion. 2024. Advance Online. (co-authored with Sam Reimer).
“The Spiritual Turn and ‘Feminization’: Turning a Gender Lens on Spirituality” | 2024. Sociology of Religion. Advance Online. (co-authored with Francesco Cerchiaro & Landon Schnabel).
“The specter of authenticity: Social Science after the deconstruction of romanticism” | 2024. History of the Human Sciences . Volume 37, Issue 5. (co-authored with Dick Houtman).
"Capital and distinction or goods and traditions? Toward a post-Bourdieusian cultural theory" | 2024. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Volume 12, Issue 1.
"Debating Critical Religion: A Response to Timothy Fitzgerald" | 2024. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Volume 36 (co-authored with Sharday Mosurinjohn).
"The Spiritual Turn and the Disenchantment of the World: Max Weber, Peter Berger, and the Religion-Science Conflict" | 2023. The Sociological Review. Volume 7, Issue 1. (co-authored with Dick Houtman)
"Purification or Pollution? The Debate over 'Workplace Spirituality'" | 2022. Cultural Sociology. Volume 17, Issue 4. (co-authored with Dick Houtman).
"Can Critical Religion play by Its own rules?: Why there must be more than one way to be 'critical' in the study of religion" | 2022. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Volume 90, Issue 2. (co-authored with Sharday Mosurinjohn).
"Social Science as Public Philosophy Revived" | 2022. Civic Sociology. Volume 3, Issue 1.
"Are you a neoliberal subject? On the uses and abuses of a concept" | 2022. European Journal of Social Theory. Volume 25, Issue 3.
"The religion of the heart: 'Spirituality' in late modernity" | 2022. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Volume 10.
"Religious Studies and the Spiritual Turn" | 2021. Method & Theory in the Study of Religion. Volume 33. (co-authored with Sharday Mosurinjohn)
"Making sense of the study of spirituality: late modernity on trial" | 2020. Religion. Volume 50, Issue 4.
"Religion, Science, and Disenchantment in Late Modernity" | 2019. Zygon. Volume 54, Issue 4.
"On the Politics of Self-Spirituality: A Canadian Case Study" | 2018. Studies in Religion. Volume 47, Issue 3.
“Donald J. Trump and the Canadian Civil Sphere” (In press). In The Civil Sphere in Canada, edited by Jeffrey Alexander and Mervyn Horgan, published by University of British Columbia Press.
“Romantic Liberalism, Spirituality, and the Populist Threat.” In Religious Diversity in Post Secular Societies: Conceptual Foundations, Public Management and Upcoming Prospects, edited by Rafael Ruiz Andres and Zakaria Sajir, published by Springer.
"Spirituality, Self-Help, and Subjective Wellbeing Culture" (2022). In New Spiritualities and the Culture of Well-Being, edited by Géraldine Mossière, published by Springer.
"The Spiritual Turn in Canada: 'Spiritual but not Religious' Canadian Millennials." (2022). In The Emerging Church, Millennials, and Religion Vol. 2, edited by Terry Shoemaker, Rachel Schneider, and Xochitl Alvizo, published by Wipf and Stock.
"Cultural Disenchantment and the Rise of Holistic Spirituality" (2021). In Mutual Enrichment Between Psychology and Theology, edited by Russel Re Manning, published by Routledge.
Review of Peter L. Berger on Religion: The Social Reality of Religion by Titus Hjelm. | 2024. In Sociology of Religion.
Review of Beyond Doubt: The Secularization of Society by Isabelle Kasselstrand, Phil Zuckerman, and Ryan Cragun. | 2024. In Contemporary Sociology
Review Essay of Moral Minefields: How Sociologists Debate Good Science by Shai M. Dorm and Samuel D. Stabler. | 2023. In Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section.
Review of Religion, Spirituality, and Secularity among Millennials: The Generation Shaping American and Canadian Trends by Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. | 2023. In Sociology of Religion.
Review Essay of A Joyfully Serious Man: The Life of Robert Bellah by Matteo Bortolini. | 2023. In Contemporary Sociology.
Review of Situating Spirituality: Context, Practice, and Power edited by Brian Steensland, Jaime Kucinskas, Anna Sun. | 2022. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
Review of A Critical Legal Examination of Liberalism and Liberal Rights by Matthew McManus. | 2021. Law, Culture and the Humanities. 17 (3): 640-643
Review of Spirituality, Organization and Neoliberalism edited by Emma Bell, Sorin Gog, Anca Simionca, and Scott Taylor. | 2021. In Journal of Contemporary Religion. Volume 36, Issue 3.
Review of Secular Societies, Spiritual Selves edited by Anna Fedele and Kim E. Knibbe. | 2020. In Religion. Volume 51, Issue 1.
Review of None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada by Joel Thiessen and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme. | 2020. In Religion. Volume 51, Issue 1.
Review of The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth of the Human Sciences by Jason Josephson-Storm. | 2019. In Journal of Contemporary Religion. Volume 34, Issue 2.
“How religion’s brand became unpopular in Canada.” | The Conversation, January 2025.
"Swimming in Liberalism: Alexandre Lefebvre's Liberalism as a Way of Life." | The Point, July 2024.
“Why Donald Trump was bad for America but good for Canada” | The Conversation, October 2022.
“‘Do what you love’ could be contributing to the Great Resignation” | The Conversation, January 2021.
“Neoliberalism and its defenders” | Culturico, November 2020.
“Religion in a Post-Christian West” | Culturico, September 2020.
“A hipster evangelical church is taking Toronto by storm” | CBC, July 2020.
“The Antimonies of the Liberal Self Image” | LiberalCurrents, November 2019.
“Marianne Williamson and the religion of ‘spirituality’” | The Conversation, October 2019.
“Stop scolding men for being toxic” | The Conversation, April 2019.
“Are you Spiritual, Religious, or Both?” | Woolf Institute Blog, January 2019.
“Pioneering sociologist foresaw our current chaos 100 years ago” | The Conversation, November 2018.
“Émile Durkheim, the Sacred, and the Nonreligious” | NSRN Blog, November 2018.
“Self-help in the ‘age of responsibility’ denies unequal realities” | The Conversation, September 2018.
“Being a Progressive Christian shouldn’t be an oxymoron” | The Conversation, May 2018.
“Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religion?” | Religion Dispatches, May 2018.
“Spirituality: Secular or Religious?” | NSRN Blog, March 2018.
“Millennials abandon hope for religion but never human rights” | The Conversation, February 2018.
“What does it mean to be spiritual?” | The Conversation, November 2017.
“‘Of’ or “For’: Studying Spirituality and the Problems Therein” | NSRN Blog, December 2016.